Worship Guide:
“Spirit, Come Down”
“I Love Thy Kingdom Lord”
“A Heavenly Blessing”
“Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart”
“Spirit, Come Down”
“I Love Thy Kingdom Lord”
“A Heavenly Blessing”
“Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart”
Praise Ye the Lord Almighty
“Crown Him with Many Crowns”
Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
Keeping Connected
O Jesus, I Have Promised
When the White House was electrified, President and First Lady Harrison were less than enthused. Similarly, with things that we are unfamiliar with can cause fear. How do we listen for this new Spirit in our lives?
With stories of acts of angels, and a look at how our daily lives are affected by small things, this Ascension Sunday message begs the question of what is a Jaw-Dropping experience.
With a tale about an electrician in Brazil seeing a difference in him as a Christian, Rev. Gilbert shared this message about transformation and transparency.
At times when people plot against others, the underpinnings of sin are exposed. Looking at how we are often small parts of a larger picture, Rev. Gilbert shares a message about people, kindness, and grace.
“How’s your hearing?” This opening line from Rev. Gary Carson started a sermon outlining why when God speaks, it is important to listen. While selective hearing is one of the topics Rev. Carson also broaches in this message, he preaches on the prevalence of God’s voice in scripture and to each of us.
On this Pentecost Sunday, Pastor Huggins shares a message from Acts. The thought of a day where 15 different people from different nations each heard the word of God in their own language at the same time lead into a message and a question. What can you do to change the world?
In this message from Rev. Huggins, he shares about how times are changing with the new outlook in Christianity, and how many of the challenges we face today are similar to those faced by the early disciples.